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Sharing Session


14/5/2022 (Saturday)

15:30 - 16:30

Language: Cantonese

Fee: Free

Quota: 40

Venue: L208, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

''Playing with ''Blindness''! Retrospect and Prospects of Touch Art

Host: Wong Ka Ying

Speaker:Dr. Chan Yin Lun 
                  Lo Keng Chi

Rumour has it that CCCD Chairman Chan Yin Lun and artist Lo Keng Chi have split up after a disagreement over their joint curatorial work in previous editions of the Touch Art Festival? Heard that there is only limited funding with a great number of applicants, it is simply not enough to go around. Does this mean Touch Art will be no more? Also heard that the curator, Wong Ka Ying, rides on the visually impaired artist’s coattails? No need to guess, if you want to make a comment or complaint, come and join the discussion hosted by Art Auntie KY, with Chan Yin Lun and Lo Keng Chi!

Speaker's Introduction:

Dr Yin-Lun Chan| Chair of Centre for Community Cultural Development

Yin-Lun Chan, Chair of CCCD, is a registered landscape architect and urban historian. Over the years, he has been actively engaged in the development of touch art. In 2019, he co-curated the 6th Touch Art Festival, ‘In Search of Invisible Memories’, with Clayton Lo, which was exhibited at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre. Yin-Lun’s research and creative works explores the relationships between design, community arts, and landscapes, and have been presented in different places including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, France, and Bangladesh.

Lo Keng Chi|poet, art curator, rare disease patient

Lo Keng Chi sees only light and shadow and at the same time, is terrified of light and sound. His nerves have been overly sensitive for the past 20 years and he often suffers from severe tension and pain with no cause can be found. He has been the curator of the 6th and the 7th Touch Art Festival and is promoting Touch Art in both the able-bodied and disabled worlds so that more people can use their senses other than their eyes to feel and understand the world.

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